Genus Senecella

Senecella Juday, 1923

Taxonomic description:

Female. (Description after Borutsky and Stepanova (1991) with modifications and additions after Juday (1925) and Marsh (1933)). Total length 1.98-3.35 mm. Th5 posterior corners rounded. Genital segment nearly as long as 3 following segments. A1 25-jointed, reaching Abd1-2. Re1 P1 without external spine. Posterior surface of P1-P4 without minute spinules.

Male. (Description after Borutsky and Stepanova (1991) with modifications). Total length 2.45-2.55 mm. A1-25-jointed. Oral parts of male are significantly reduced in comparison with that in female. P5 biramous, of simple structure.

Type species: Senecella calanoides Juday, 1923, by monotypy.

The genus Senecella includes 2 species.

Senecella calanoides Juday, 1923
Senecella siberica Vyshkvartzeva, 1994

Key to species of Senecella:

1(2) Re3 P2-P4 with 2 external spines. Genital segment symmetrical . . . 1. S. calanoides Juday
2(1) Re3 P2-P4 with 3 external spines. Genital segment slightly asymmetrical . . . . . . 2. S. siberica Vyshkvartzeva

1(2) Left Ri P5 with digitiform process as long as Re1 . . . . . . . . . . 1. S. calanoides Juday
2(1) Left Ri P5 with digitiform process significantly longer than Re1 . . . . . 2. S. siberica Vyshkvartzeva