Genus Mesocomantenna

Mesocomantenna Alvarez, 1986

Taxonomic description:

Female. (Description after Alvarez (1986) with modifications). Total length 1.90 mm. Cephalothorax about 3.7 times longer than abdomen. Rostrum absent. Crest absent. Cephalon and Th1 incompletely fused, Th4-Th5 separated. Th5 and genital segment symmetrical. Posterior Th5 corners prolonged into spines, directed backwards. A1 24-segmented, exceeding Th2. Re A2 shorter Ri A2, basipodite with 2, Ri1 with 1 seta, internal lobe of Ri2 A2 with 4 long and 4 short terminal setae, external lobe with 6 long terminal seta; Re1 A2 without setae, Re2 A2 with 1 seta, the latter segment partly fused with Re3 A2, Re3-Re6 A2 with 1 seta each, Re7 A2 is short like in genus Comantenna with 1 terminal short seta. Md palp base with 2 very small setae; Ri1 Md with 1, Ri2 Md with 5 setae. Mx1 gnathobase with 9 terminal claw-like setae and 4 setae on surface; second and third internal lobes with 3 setae each, protopodite near Ri base with 3 setae, Ri and Re with 11 setae each, 6 setae on external lobe. Lateral surfaces of first and second endites of Mx2 near setae bases with thick sclerotized spines like that in Paracomantenna . One of setae on fifth endite of Mx2 thickened into claw-like spine. Mxp protopodite setation typical of Aetideidae, and in the distal setae group there is a digital sensory appendage. Re P1 supplied with external spines on all 3 segments, spines long; exceeding length of following segment. Ri P1 one-segmented with well developed external lobe, with hairs along external border. Ri P2 2-segmented, other rami of swimming legs 3-segmented. Spines on P4 coxopodite absent.

Male unknown.

Type species: Mesocomantenna spinosa Alvarez, 1986, by original designation.

Monotypic genus.