Aetideus armatus


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  • Bradford, J.M. 1971a. Aetideus and Euaetideus (Copepoda: Calanoida) from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. N. Z. J. mar. freshw. Res. 5(1): 12-40.
  • Bradford, J.M. and J.B. Jillett. 1980. The marine fauna of New Zealand: Pelagic calanoid copepods: family Aetideidae. Mem. N. Z. oceanogr. Inst. 86: 102 pp.
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  • Fleminger, A. 1967. Distributional atlas of the calanoid copepods in the California current region, part 2. - California cooperative oceanic fisheries investigations (CALCOFI). Atlas, 7: I-VII, charts 1-213.
  • Giesbrecht, W. 1892. Systematic und Faunistik der pelagischen Copepoden des Golfs von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres (Abschnitte). Fauna und Flora Golf. Neapel : 831 pp.
  • Hardy, A.C. and F.R. Gunther. 1935. The plankton of the South Georgia Whaling grounds and adjacent waters, 1926-1927. Discovery Rep. 11: 456 pp.
  • Jespersen, P. 1934. Godthaab expedition 1928. Copepoda. Meddr. Grönland. 79(10): 166 pp.
  • Markhaseva, E.L. 1996. Calanoid copepods of the family Aetideidae of the World Ocean. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta RAN, St. Petersburg 268: 331 pp.
  • Matthews, J.B.L. 1964. On the biology of some bottom-living copepods (Aetideidae and Phaennidae) from western Norway. Sarsia 16: 1-46.
  • Motoda, S. and T. Minoda. 1974. Plankton of the Bering Sea. In: D.W. Hood and E.J. Kelley, eds. Oceanography of the Bering Sea : 207-241 (Institute of Mar. Sci. Univ. Alaska, Fairbanks).
  • Park, T.S. 1978. Calanoid copepods (Aetideidae and Euchaetidae) from Antarctic and Subantarctic waters. Biology of the Antarctic seas, 7. Antarctic Res. Ser. 27: 91-290.
  • Roe, H.S.J. 1972a. The vertical distributions and diurnal migrations of calanoid copepods collected on the Sond cruise, 1965. 1. The total population and general discussion. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K. 52(2): 277-314.
  • Roe, H.S.J. 1972b. The vertical distribution and duirnal migrations of calanoid copepods collected on the Sond cruise, l965. 2. Systematic account: families Calanidae up to and including the Aetideidae. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K. 52(2): 315-343.
  • Roe, H.S.J. 1984. The diel migrations and distributions within a mesopelagic community in the North East Atlantic. 4. The Copepods. Prog. Oceanogr. 13: 353-388.
  • Roe, H.S.J. and J. Badcock. 1984. The diel migrations and distributions within a mesopelagic community in the North East Atlantic. 5. Vertical migrations and feeding of fish. Prog. Oceanogr. 13: 389-424.
  • Sars, G.O. 1901. Copepoda: Calanoida. An account of the Crustacea of Norway 4: 1-28. Bergen.
  • Sars, G.O. 1903. Copepoda: Calanoida. An account of the Crustacea of Norway 4: 145-171. Bergen.
  • Scott, A. 1909. The Copepoda of the Siboga expeditions. Part 1. Free-swimming, littoral and semi-parasitic Copepoda. Siboga Exped. 29a: 323 pp.
  • Sewell, S. 1929. The Copepoda of Indian seas. Calanoida. Pt. 1. Mem. Ind. Mus. 10: 221 pp.
  • Tanaka, O. 1957a. The pelagic copepods of the Izu region, Middle Japan. Systematic account 3. Family Aetideidae (Part 1). Publs Seto Mar. biol. Lab. 6(1): 31-68.
  • Vervoort, W. 1952a. Copepoda. Sub-order: Calanoida. Family: Aetideidae. Genera: Aetideus , Euaetideus , Aetideopsis. Fich. Ident. Zooplankton. Sheet 42: 1-4.
  • Vervoort, W. 1957. Copepods from Antarctic and sub-antarctic plankton samples. Rep. B.A.N.Z. Antarctic Res. Exped. 1929-1931 (ser. B). 3: 160 pp.
  • Wilson, C.B. 1942. The copepods of the plankton gathered during the last cruise of the Carnegie. Scientific results of cruise VII of the Carnegie during 1928-1929 under the command of Captain J.P. Ault. Publ. Carnegie Inst. 536: 1-237.
  • Wilson, C.B. 1950. Copepods gathered by the United States Fisheries Steamer “Albatross” from 1887 to 1909, chiefly in the Pacific Ocean. Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 100(14): 141-441.
  • With, C. 1915. Copepoda 1. Calanoida. Amphascandria. Dan. Ingolf. Exped. 3(4): 260 pp.
  • Wolfenden, R.N. 1903. On the copepod sub-family Aetideidae, with a proposed revision of the classification. Rep. Br. Ass. Adv. Sci. 72: 263-267.
  • Wolfenden, R.N. 1904. Notes on the Copepoda of the North Atlantic Sea and the Faroe Channel. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K. (n. ser.) 7: 110-146.
  • Wolfenden, R.N. 1911. Die marinen Copepoden der Deutschen Südpolar Expedition 1901-1903. Dt. Südpolar Exped., Zoology 4: 181-380.