Comantenna brevicornis


  • Farran, G.P. 1905. Report on the Copepoda of the Atlantic slope off counties Mayo and Galway. Ann. Rep. Fish. Irel. 1902-1903. (2), App. 2. Sci. Invest.: 23-52.
  • Markhaseva, E.L. 1996. Calanoid copepods of the family Aetideidae of the World Ocean. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta RAN, St. Petersburg 268: 331 pp.
  • Matthews, J.B.L. 1964. On the biology of some bottom-living copepods (Aetideidae and Phaennidae) from western Norway. Sarsia 16: 1-46.
  • Rose, M. 1933. Copépodes pélagiques. Faune de France 26: 374 pp. Paris.
  • Sars, G.O. 1902. Copepoda: Calanoida. An account of the Crustacea of Norway 4: 29-144. Bergen.
  • Vervoort, W. 1952b. Copepoda. Sub-order: Calanoida. Family: Aetideidae. Genera: Bradyidius , Bradyetes , Bryaxis. Fich. Ident. Zooplankton. Sheet 43: 1-4.