Senecella calanoides


  • Borutsky, E.V. and L.A. Stepanova. 1991. Fam. Pseudocalanidae. In: Manual for identification of the USSR freshwater Calanoida. Opred. Faune SSSR. 157: 436-438. (In Russian).
  • Juday, C. 1923. An interesting copepod from the Finger lakes, New York. Science (New York) 58: 205.
  • Juday, C. 1925. Senecella calanoides, a recently described fresh-water copepod. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 60(4): 1-6.
  • Markhaseva, E.L. 1996. Calanoid copepods of the family Aetideidae of the World Ocean. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta RAN, St. Petersburg 268: 331 pp.
  • Marsh, C.D. 1933. Synopsis of the calanoid crustaceans exclusive of the Diaptomidae, found in fresh and brackish waters, chiefly of North America. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus. 82(18): 58 pp.
  • Pirozhnikov, P.L. 1958. On the distribution range and bionomics of the copepod Senecella calanoides Juday. Zool. Zh. 37(4): 625-629. (In Russian).
  • Smirnov, S.S. 1938. On the question of the glacial-marine relicts in freshwater fauna. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR. 20: 491-494. (In Russian).