A. Scott, 1909
Short description:
Aetideus bradyi is an aetideid calanoid copepod known after female (1.38-1.80 mm in total length). Species was mostly found in tropical and subtropical parts of the World Ocean.
Taxonomic description:
Female. Total length 1.38-1.80 mm. Cephalothorax about 3.5 times longer than abdomen. Rostrum with strong chitinous rami, without projections at the base of excavation of rostrum. Crest present, better visible dorsally (as a straight line). Body surface covered with chitinous thickenings. Posterior Th5 corners extended into wing-like protrusions, ending with points, usually reaching the end of Abd2. A1 about the same length as cephalothorax.
Male unknown.
Remarks. Tanaka (1957a; Tanaka and Omori, 1970a) recorded A. bradyi from the Izu region. Specimens of A. bradyi described by Tanaka have differences from typical specimens as it was noted earlier (Vervoort, 1963; Bradford, 1971a). That is why these data are not included into A. bradyi characterization.
Vertical distribution:
Epipelagic, upper mesopelagic species, usually found in the upper 500 m, in hauls from 72-146 m (Grice, 1962), 0-100 m (Vervoort, 1963).
Geographical distribution:
In the tropical eastern Atlantic (Brenning, 1983, 1985; Vervoort, 1963). In the region of Malay Archipelago (A. Scott, 1909). In the Pacific Ocean: equatorial part (Grice, 1962), Californian Current to 38°N (Fleminger, 1964); the south-western part of the Pacific Ocean - the equatorial part (Bradford, 1971a) and off the coast of Chile (Vidal, 1982). Probably tropical-subtropical species.
Type locality: off Malay Archipelago (A. Scott, 1909).
Material examined:
6 females from samples 213-215, 416, 419. See examined samples module.