Lutamator hurlei

Bradford, 1969b

Short description:

Lutamator hurlei is an aetideid calanoid copepod known after female (5.15 mm in length) off New Zealand from the near-bottom locality.

Taxonomic Description:

Female. (Description after Bradford (1969) with modifications). Total length 5.15 mm. Cephalothorax about 4 times longer than abdomen. Genital segment with ventral swelling prominent (lateral view). Line of fusion between Th4-Th5 visible. A1 reaching Th3. Re1 A2 with 1, Re2 A2 with 2 setae. Md palp base without setae, Ri1 Md without seta. Second internal lobe of Mx1 with 4 setae, third with 3 setae. Fifth endite of Mx2 large. P1-P4 typical of the genus.

Male unknown.

Vertical distribution:

Most probably benthopelagic species.

Geographical distribution:

The species is known from type locality only.

Type locality: Off East Cape, north-east New Zealand (Bradford, 1969b).