Markhaseva, 1989
Short Description:
Pseudochirella formosa is an aetideid calanoid copepod known after female (9.20 mm in length) from the Antarctic.
Taxonomic Description:
Female. Total length 9.20 mm. Cephalothorax 3.6 times longer than abdomen. Th5 posterior corners symmetrical, prolonged into triangular lobes, reaching nearly the midlength of genital segment (lateral and dorsal view). Genital segment symmetrical, with moderate projections (dorsal view) in the midlength of segment. Ventral swelling significantly prominent. Abd 1-3 with hairs. A1 nearly equal to body length. Re1 A2 lacking setae, Re2 A2 with 1 distal seta; Ri1 A2 with 1 seta; Ri2 A2 internal lobe with 7 (6+1) terminal setae. Ri1 Md with 2, Ri2 Md with 9 terminal and 2 posterior setae. Mx1, Mx2 and Mxp typical of the genus. Re P1 3-segmented. Ri P2 incompletely 2-segmented. P4 coxopodite with 18-20 spines.
Male unknown.
Remarks. Present species is similar to P. hirsuta , but differs in much more developed ventral swelling of genital segment, in details of A2 setation, in length of lobes of Th5 posterior corners, in absence of knob in the midlength of Mxp protopodite.
Vertical distribution:
Recorded from total haul from 3700 m (Markhaseva, 1989).
Geographical distribution:
The species is known from type locality only.
Type locality: Antarctica: 62°54'S 118°52'E.
Material examined:
1 female from sample 379. See examined samples module.
Holotype: 1 female, N 1/66279, kept in the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences; R/V "Ob", 1 cruise; 62°54'S, 118°52'E; station 36, sample 136, 11.03.1956; total haul from 3700 m; ring-trawl.