Pseudochirella scopularis

Sars, 1905

Short Description:

Pseudochirella scopularis is an aetideid calanoid copepod known after female (5.0-6.4 mm in length) from the North Atlantic and the Molluccan Sea, mesopelagic.

Taxonomic Description:

Female. (Description after Vervoort (1949) and Sars (1925) with modifications). Total length 5.00-6.40 mm. Cephalothorax 3.5-4.0 times longer than abdomen. Th5 posterior corners prolonged into triangular lobes, ending with acute corners (Sars, 1925), or their tops are not pointed (Vervoort, 1949). Genital segment slightly asymmetrical and covered with hairs in its posterior part. Genital segment is the widest in its first half. A1 reaching the midlength of abdomen (Sars, 1925), reaching the end of abdomen (Vervoort, 1949). According to Vervoort (1949) oral parts and swimming legs are as in P. obtusa. Ri P2 indistinctly 2-segmented. P4 coxopodite with 9 spines.

Male unknown.

Vertical distribution:

The species is known from haul 500-600 m (Ferrari, 1980), also in total hauls from depths 3000 m (Sars, 1925).

Geographical distribution:

Found in the north-eastern and north-western Atlantic (Sars, 1925; Ferrari, 1980), also in the Molluccan Sea (Vervoort, 1949).

Type locality: North Atlantic: 46°N 7°09'W.

Material examined:

The species absent in the collections of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg.