Euchirella bitumida

Euchirella bitumida With, 1915


Euchirella bitumida With, 1915: 131, pl. 5, fig. 9 (a-g), pl. 8, fig. 4 (a-e), text-fig. 34; Sars, 1924-25: 74, pl. 21, figs. 15-18; Tanaka and Omori, 1969a: 40, fig. 3 (a-g); Von Vaupel Klein, 1972: 506, fig. 2 (c-d), pl. 5, tabs. 1, 2; 1984: 37; Park, 1976b: 107, 109, fig. 2 (a-l); Bradford and Jillett, 1980: 32, fig. 20 (A-H); Markhaseva, 1996: 149, figs. 114-115.