Euchirella venusta

Euchirella venusta Giesbrecht, 1888


Euchirella venusta Giesbrecht, 1888: 336; 1892: 233, 241, 244, 743, pl. 15, fig. 19, pl. 36, fig. 21; Vervoort, 1949: 20, fig. 10 (a-d); Tanaka, 1957b: 182, fig. 47 (a-g); Grice, 1962: 194, pl. 9, figs. 14-25; Omori, 1965: 64, figs. 22-24; Tanaka and Omori, 1969a: 59, fig. 10 (a-i); Von Vaupel Klein, 1972: pl. 4 (d), tab. 1, 2; 1980: 152; 1984: 48; Park, 1976b: 101; Bradford and Jillett, 1980: 33, 43, fig. 30 (A-H); Markhaseva, 1996: 175, figs. 136-137.
?Euchirella tanseii Omori, 1965: 60, figs. (1-18); Tanaka and Omori, 1969a: 33, 61; 1969b: 155, 160; Park, 1976b: 101; 1978: 147; Bradford and Jillett, 1980: 33, 43; Von Vaupel Klein, 1980: 153; 1984: 48.