Pseudochirella notacantha (Sars, 1905)
Gaidius notacanthus Sars, 1905: 9.
Pseudochirella notacantha Sars, 1924-25: 86, pl. 24, figs. 7-12; Farran, 1929: 323, Sewell, 1929: 128; Jespersen, 1934: 66; Hardy and Gunther, 1935: 159; Sewell, 1947: 98, text-fig. 21d; Vervoort, 1952g (sheet 48): 3, fig. 2, 1963: 151; Markhaseva, 1989: 37, figs. 7 (B 23), 8 (6a, b); 1996: 275-276, figs. 221-222.
Chirundina parvispina With, 1915: 151, pl. 8, fig. a, text-fig. 42 (a-g), 43 (a-h).
Pseudochirella squalida Grice and Hulsemann, 1967: 24, figs. 65-70, 1968: 324; Bjornberg, 1973: 325; Deevey and Brooks, 1977: 263; Bradford and Jillett, 1980: 71, fig. 50; Ferrari, 1980: 537, figs. 1-4.
non Gaidius notacanthus: Farran, 1908: 10, 33, pl. 3, fig. 7; Scott, 1909: 52, pl. 21, figs. 24-33.
non Chirundina notacantha: With, 1915: 148, pl. 5, fig. 7, pl. 6, fig. 1, text-fig. 41.
non Pseudochirella notacantha: Vervoort, 1957: 67, figs. 49-53.