Pseudochirella obesa Sars, 1920
Pseudochirella obesa Sars, 1920: 6, 1924-25: 94, pl. 24, figs. 1-4; Jespersen, 1934: 66; Owre and Foyo, 1967: 27, 49, figs. 131-281; Roe, 1975: 307, fig. 7; Bradford and Jillett, 1980: 71, fig. 48; Von Vaupel Klein, 1984: 52, figs. 5 (a), 7 (n), 8 (i, m), 12 (d), 15 (j, k), 16 (i, l, m, n), 17 (d), 18 (c, g, i); Markhaseva, 1989: 39, figs. 7 (A 12), 8 (10 b); 1996: 276, figs. 223-224.
Pseudochirella tuberculata Tanaka, 1957b: 195, fig. 56; Tanaka and Omori, 1969b: 166; Grice and Hulsemann, 1967: 15.