Crassantenna Cole and al., 1972
Taxonomic description:
Female. (Description after Bradford (1969b) with modifications). Total length 3.30-3.70 mm. Cephalothorax about 4 times as long as abdomen. Cephalon and Th1 fused, line of fusion visible, Th4 and Th5 separated. Rostrum reduced like blunt rounded plate. Crest absent. Th5 and genital segment symmetrical. Th5 posterior corners prolonged into spines, upturned backwards. A1 24-segmented, reaching nearly Th3, supplied with long annulate setae. Re A2 longer than Ri A2, but later more massive, coxopodite with 1, basipodite with 1-2 setae, Ri1 A2 with 1, internal Ri2 lobe with 7 (5 long and 2 short) setae, external lobe with 6, there may be 1 more posterior small seta; Re1 A2 with 2 setae, or they are absent; Re2 with 2 setae; Re3-Re6 with 1 seta each, Re7 typical of Aetideidae with 3 terminal setae. Mx1 gnathobase with 12 setae (only 2 setae present on posterior surface), second internal lobe with 4, third with 2-3 setae, protopodite near Ri base with 4-5 setae, Ri with 11 or 15 setae, Re with 11, external lobe with 8 setae. Mxp protopodite without seta in proximal part of segment, in other features limb is typical of Aetideidae. Re P1 3-segmented, external spine on Re1 P1 present. Ri P1 one-segmented, external lobe well developed with small minute denticles apically. Ri P2 2-segmented, all other swimming leg rami 3-segmented. P4 coxopodite without spines.
Male unknown.
Type species: Crassantenna comosa Bradford, 1969, by original designation (in Cole and al., 1972).
Remarks. The genus Crassantenna was described (Bradford, 1969b) including 2 species neither of which was designated as the type species. According to Article 13b of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, this name of the genus is unavailable. The authorship of the genus should belong to the compilers of the Section Crustacea in the Zoological Record (Vol. 106, Section 10, part 1), who were the first to designate the type species (C. comosa ). The same species was designated later as the type species by Bradford and Jillett (1980).
Crassantenna comosa Bradford, 1969
Crassantenna mimorostrata Bradford, 1969