Genus Pterochirella

Pterochirella Schulz 1990

Taxonomic description:

Male. (Description after Schulz (1990) with modifications). Total length 3.28 mm. Cephalothorax about twice longer than abdomen. Cephalon and Th1, as well as Th4-Th5 fused. Th5 posterior corners rounded. Dorsal body wall of cephalothorax transformed into "deep transverse cleft encompassed by number of paired lobe-like structures" (Schulz, 1990: 182), Th1 with two wing-like projections. Rostrum absent, but 2 thin filaments present. Re and Ri A2 of equal length. A1 without geniculation. Oral parts are reduced. P1-P4 segmentation typical of Aetideidae. P5 biramous, left and right protopodites of about equal length, Ri one-jointed. Re P5 3-jointed (right Re indistinctly), right Re distal joint long, tapering distally.

Type species: Pterochirella tuerkayi Schulz, 1990, by original designation.

Remarks. Pterochirella is the unique genus among Aetideidae in the transformation of dorsal body side of cephalon and Th1.