Bradyidius curtus

Markhaseva, 1993

Short description:

Bradyidius curtus is an aetideid calanoid copepod known after female (2.80-2.90 mm in length). Species is well distinguished from all other species of Bradyidius in short points of Th5 posterior corners. Species recorded from the north-western part of the Pacific Ocean in benthopelagic layers.

Taxonomic description:

Female. Total length 2.80-2.90 mm. Cephalothorax 3.0-3.8 times longer than abdomen. Rostrum with non divergent rami. Points of Th5 posterior corners short, hardly covering first third of genital segment (dorsal view), directed to the back of specimen (lateral view). A1 reaching Th4. Re1 A2 lacking setae, Re2 A2 with 3 (2 medial and 1 distal) setae. Md palp base and Ri1 Md bear 2 setae each, Ri2 Md with 9 setae. On posterior surface of Mx1 gnathobase 4 thin setae and little teeth near their bases, Ri with 15 setae, all other features of Mx1, as Mx2 and Mxp typical of the genus. External spines at Re1 P1 and Re2 P1 extending the base of following spine (rarely first one not extending), spine at Re3 nearly twice longer than its joint. Ri P2-P4 with minute bad visible spinules on posterior surface. At terminal spines of Re3 P2-P4 there are about 24, 24 and 25 denticles respectively.

Male unknown.

Vertical distribution:

The species was found in haul 86-94 m, 50-140 m, 0-157 m.

Geographical distribution:

The north-western part of the Pacific Ocean of the region of the Kuril Islands.

Type locality: 49°53'N 155°38'E.

Material examined:

27 females from samples: 43, 260, 261. See examined samples module.

Holotype: 1 female. N 1/65912, off Paramushir Island, Kuril Islands, North West Pacific, 49°53'N 155°38'E; Sta 2768, in haul 50-140 m, 22 May 1954, 18th cruise R/V "Vitjaz", kept in the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg. Paratypes: 21 females; N 2/61363, from the same sample.