Bradyidius luluae

Grice, 1972

Short description:

Bradyidius luluae is an aetideid calanoid copepod known after both sexes (female 2.55-3.12 mm and male 2.04-3.25 mm). Species recorded from the North Atlantic and off Norwegian coast from the near bottom layers.

Taxonomic description:

Female. (Described after Grice, (1972) with modifications). Total length 2.55-3.12 mm. Cephalothorax about 4 times longer than abdomen. Rostrum with divergent rami. Points of Th5 posterior corners exceeding posterior border of genital segment (dorsal view), turned upwards (lateral view). A1 reaching Th5. Re1 A2 with 1 seta, Re2 A2 with 3 (2 medial and 1 distal) setae. Ri1 Md with 2 setae, Ri2 Md with 8 terminal and 2 posterior setae. Ri Mx1 with 16 setae, all other features of Mx1 as Mx2 and Mxp typical of the genus. External spine at Re1 P1 exceeding the base of following spine.

Male. Total length 2.04-3.25 mm. Cephalothorax nearly twice longer than abdomen. Points of Th5 posterior corners short, not reaching posterior border of Abd1. A1 reaching Th2, left 22-jointed, supplied with long (proximally) and short (distally) aesthetascs. Oral parts in comparison with that in female reduced. External spines at Re P1 shorter than in female, Ri P2-P4 with numerous minute spinules on posterior surface. P5 uniramous, both legs 5-jointed, shorter than abdomen.

Vertical distribution:

Probably benthopelagic species; found at depth about 1500 m in 20-50 cm above bottom (Grice, 1972) and in direct proximity to the bottom (Johannessen, 1976).

Geographical distribution:

Atlantic Ocean: the north-western part, the Norwegian coast (Grice, 1972; Johannessen, 1976).

Type locality: 39°46' N, 70°34' W (Grice, 1972).

Material examined:

This species was not examined by present author.