Bradyidius subarmatus

Markhaseva, 1993

Short description:

Bradyidius subarmatus is an aetideid calanoid copepod known after both sexes (female 2.60-2.80 mm and male 2.00 mm), recorded off the Norwegian coast, from near bottom layers.

Taxonomic description:

Female. Total length 2.60-2.80 mm. Cephalothorax 4 times longer than abdomen. Rostrum with non diverging rami. Points of Th5 posterior corners reaching the posterior border of genital segment (dorsal and lateral view). Width of genital segment nearly 1.09 times its length. Spermatheca elongate-oval. Re1 A2 with 1 seta, Re2 A2 with 3 setae. Ri Md with 2 (sometimes there is 1 more little seta), Ri2 Md with 9 long terminal and 1 posterior short seta. On posterior surface of Mx1 gnathobase - 4 setae, Ri Mx1 with 16 setae, all other features in Mx2 and Mxp typical of Bradyidius. External spine at Re1 P1 long, reaching nearly the midlength of Re2 P1 spine. Ri P2-P4 with minute surface spinules. P4 coxopodite with thickened hairs on internal surface. Terminal spines of P3-P4 with 20-23 denticles.

Male. Total length 2.00 mm. Cephalothorax nearly 3.3 times longer than abdomen. Rostrum with divergent rami. Points of posterior Th5 corners exceeding posterior border of genital segment, covering the first third of Abd2 length. A1 reaching posterior border of Abd4. Oral parts in comparison with those in females rudimentary, setation partly reduced. Md palp base with 1 seta, at Ri1 Md setae absent, at Ri2 Md - 8 setae; protopodite Mxp lacking setae, at Ri1 Mxp - 3 medial setae. External spines at Re1-Re3 P1 of less length than that in female. P2-P4 similar to that in female, but P4 coxopodite lacking hairs on internal surface. P5 very close to B. armatus , but distal (third) segment of right P5 supplied with 2 terminal short spines and 1 short external spine. (overall 3 small, short spines).

Vertical distribution:

The species commonly found in near-bottom hauls from 140-160 m (Markhaseva, 1993).

Geographical distribution:

Off Norwegian coast in Raunefjord, Langesundsfjord and Fanafjord (Markhaseva, 1993).

Type locality: Raunefjord.

Material examined:

Holotype: 1 female, N 1/66810, Raunefjorden South of Bergen (Norway), depth 140 m, 8 October 1991, Beyer's sledge; collector A. Fosshagen; species is kept in the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg.

Paratypes: 37 females, 1 male, N 2/66811, collected with the holotype and kept in the same collection; N F20653, taken in Langesundfjorden, kept in the Zoological Museum of Oslo University (Norway).