Park, 1970
Short description:
Chiridiella bispinosa is an aetideid calanoid copepod known after female (2.50 mm in length). Species recorded in the Gulf of Mexico and the western part of the Indian Ocean, mainly meso-bathypelagic.
Taxonomic Description:
Female. Total length 2.50 mm. Cephalothorax about 5 times longer than abdomen. A1 24-segmented, equal to body in length or reaching the midlength of genital segment. Re A2 1.5 times longer than Ri A2, external lobe of Ri2 A2 with 6, internal with 5 long and 3 short setae, coxo- and basipodite with 1 seta each. Ri2 Md with 8 (with 6 after Park (1970)) setae. Mx1 gnathobase with 10-11 setae, second internal lobe reduced, third with 2 setae and short filament; on protopodite near the base of Ri - 1, on Ri - 3, on Re - 8-9 setae, on external lobe 9 setae. Fourth and fifth endites of Mx2 each with thick spine, distal part of Ri not reduced, with 4 setae. In the proximal part of Mxp protopodite seta lacking, then 3 groups of 1, 3 and 3 setae. On Ri1 Mxp 3 medial setae. Both rami of P1 one-segmented, Re with 2 external spines, external lobe of Ri not developed. P2 with one-segmented Ri, Re P2 and P2-P3 rami 3-segmented.
Male unknown.
Vertical distribution:
The species was found in haul 513-1000 m (Park, 1970).
Geographical distribution:
Atlantic Ocean: the Gulf of Mexico (Park, 1970). Indian Ocean: the western part (Markhaseva, 1996).
Type locality: 27°08'N 89°55'W (Park, 1970).
Material examined:
1 female from sample 398. See examined samples module.