Pseudochirella bilobata

Vervoort, 1949

Short Description:

Pseudochirella bilobata is an aetideid calanoid copepod known after female (5.05 mm in length) from the East Indian Seas.

Taxonomic Description:

Female. (Description after Vervoort (1949) with modifications). Total length 5.05 mm. Cephalothorax 3.4 times longer than abdomen. Th5 symmetrical, posterior corners prolonged into triangular lobes (lateral view). Genital segment slightly asymmetrical; with lateral projections of different shape and size on the right and on the left of the posterior part of segment (dorsal view), ventral swelling strongly protruded (lateral view). Abd1-3 with surface hairs. A1 reaching posterior border of Abd1. Re P1 distinctly 3-segmented, external Re P1 spine reaching the base of spine on following segment. P4 coxopodite with 14 spines of the same type as in P. palliata and P. divaricata.

Male unknown.

Vertical distribution:

The species was found in haul from 2500 m (Vervoort, 1949).

Geographical distribution:

The species is known from the type locality only.

Type locality: The Flores Sea (8°00'S 121°41'E).

Material examined:

The species absent in the collections of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg.