A. Scott, 1909
Short Description:
Pseudochirella dentata is an aetideid calanoid copepod known after female (5.70-7.50 mm in length) from the Malay Archipelago.
Taxonomic Description:
Female. (Description after A. Scott (1909); Bradford and Jillett (1980) with modifications). Total length 5.70-7.50 mm. Cephalothorax 3.0-3.5 times longer than abdomen. Posterior Th5 corners prolonged into short spines upturned to the back side of specimen (lateral view), they are slightly asymmetrical. Genital segment slightly asymmetrical; it is slightly more swelled on the right side. Abd1-3 surface with hairs. A1 reaching the end of the body. Ri1 A2 with 1 seta, Re1 A2 with 1 seta, Re2 A2 supplied with the distal seta only. Re P1 indistinctly 3-segmented. Ri P2 indistinctly 2-segmented. P4 protopodite with 7-9 spines.
Male unknown.
Vertical distribution:
The species was found in hauls from depths 900-1500 m (A. Scott, 1909; Bradford and Jillett, 1980).
Geographical distribution:
The region of Malay Archipelago and New Zealand (Bradford and Jillett, 1980).
Type locality: Manipa Strait 3°20'S 127°22'E.
Material examined:
The species absent in the collections of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg.