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  • Seasonal distribution of Copepoda in the Arctic ocean from June to December 1964. Rec. oceanogr. Works in Japan 9(1): 161-168.
  • Farran 1908
  • Second report on the Copepoda of the Irish Atlantic slope. Rep. Sea inland fish. Irel. Sci. Invest. 1906. Pt. (
  • Tanaka 1969
  • Some calanoid copepods collected chiefly by the U.S. Steamer Albatross from the Pacific Ocean. Publs Seto Mar. biol. Lab. 17(4): 253-278.
  • Campbell 1930
  • Some free-swimming copepods of the Vancouver-island region II. Proc. Trans. R. Soc. Can. 3(24): 177-182.
  • Vervoort 1949
  • Some new and rare Copepoda from East Indian Seas. Zool. Verh. Leiden 5: 1-53.
  • Roe 1975
  • Some new and rare species of calanoid copepods from the northeastern Atlantic. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist., Zool. 28 (7): 295-372.
  • Chislenko 1972
  • Species composition and distribution of ecological complexes of zooplankton in the Jenisej Bay. Issled. Fauny Morei 12: 239-260. (In Russian).
  • Brenning 1985
  • Structure and development of calanoid populations (Crustacea, Copepoda) in the upwelling regions off North West and South West Africa. Beiträge zur Meereskunde 52: 3-33.
  • Vives 1982
  • Sur les copépodes de la région CINECA (parties nord et centrale). In: G. Hempel. ed., The Canary Current: studies of an upwelling system. A symposium held in Las Palmas. 11-14 April 1978. Rapp. P.-v. Reún. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer. 180: 289-296.
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  • Synopsis of the calanoid crustaceans exclusive of the Diaptomidae, found in fresh and brackish waters, chiefly of North America. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus. 82(18): 58 pp.
  • Giesbrecht 1892
  • Systematic und Faunistik der pelagischen Copepoden des Golfs von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres (Abschnitte). Fauna und Flora Golf. Neapel : 831 pp.